
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[0.5.7] - 2024-01-26


  • gcloud: Allow passing extra_scopes to Google OAuth2.


  • Fix RUSTSEC-2024-0003, a Denial of Service vulnerability which could apparently cause a hostile HTTP server to cause out-of-memory errors in a client. Since dbcrossbar is unlikely to connect to many hostile HTTP servers, this is probably a low-priority fix for almost all users.

[0.5.6] - 2024-01-08


  • bigquery: Users can now specify an alternate job project, for example for billing purposes. See docs for details.

[0.5.5] - 2023-09-14


  • Update to latest opinionated_telemetry. This should not affect users.

[0.5.4] - 2023-09-08


  • Output in JSON Lines format.
  • Experimental new support for Prometheus and Google Cloud Trace via opinionated_telemetry.


  • dbcrossbarlib is not longer provided separately. As before, we recommend calling out to dbcrossbar using the CLI, rather than trying to link against its relatively complex dependencies.

[0.5.3] - 2023-08-01


  • The csv: driver has been superceded by a more generic file: driver. The old CSV driver will continue to work, perhaps indefinitely, but it may be increasingly hidden. By default, the file: driver determines the file format using the --from-format command line argument, or the file extension, falling back to CSV format as a last resort. I think this should be fully backwards-compatible. But if you encounter breaking changes, try adding --from-format=csv to your command line.


  • Autogenerated --help summaries in the docs are now up to date.
  • Fixed spelling of geo_json in help. Thanks, Tom!
  • Fixed handling of empty arrays in bigquery-test-fixture:. Thanks, Dave!

[0.5.2] - 2022-11-03


  • Fix CI build and binary releases broken by new warnings in latest Rust update.

[0.5.1] - 2022-11-03


  • bigquery-test-fixture: Add support for single-column inputs. Many thanks to Dave Shirley!
  • bigquery-test-fixture: Allow larger outputs before switching to fallback mode. Thanks again to Dave Shirley!

[0.5.0] - 2022-10-22


  • New bigquery-test-fixture: schema creates small, read-only "tables" very quickly. Many thanks to Dave Shirley for the proof of concept and for pairing on the final implementation.


  • Updated a few dependencies with (likely non-exploitable) security advisories. We have not update all our dependencies, because there are at least two regressions affecting supposedly semver-compatible dependencies. This is actually very rare in the Rust ecosystem, but we were unlucky this time.

[0.5.0-beta.4] - 2022-01-01


  • gs: Retry delete operations after 403 Forbidden errors. This appears to be part of the same hypothesized permissions race that affected extract in v0.5.0-beta.3.

[0.5.0-beta.3] - 2021-12-31


  • bigquery: Retry extract operations after accessDenied errors. These errors sometimes occur even when BigQuery should have the necessary access permissions. This may be caused by a permissions race condition somewhere in Google Cloud?

[0.5.0-beta.2] - 2021-12-19


  • The format for printing backtraces has changed. We now use the standard anyhow format.
  • Our logging format has changed considerably, thanks to switch from slog to the much more popular tracing. Some logging of complex async streams may be less well-organized, but there's more of it, especially at RUST_LOG=dbcrossbarlib=trace,dbcrossbar=trace,warn level.


  • We no longer rely on the unmaintained failure, or the less popular slog ecosystem.


  • The --log-format and --log-extra commands have been removed.

[0.5.0-beta.1] - 2021-12-15


  • We provide MacOS X binaries for the new M1 processors. These are unsigned, like our existing Apple Intel binaries. So you'll need to continue to use xattr -d dbcrossbar or a similar technique to run them. Or you could build your own binaries.


  • Our downloadable *.zip files follow a new naming convention, allowing us to distinguish between Intel and M1 Macs.
  • OpenSSL has been completely removed from dbcrossbar, allowing us to support more platforms. This will also allow us to eventually centralize TLS configuration across all dbcrossbar drivers.


  • We no longer support hosted Citus from Citus Data, because their TLS certificates do not include subjectAltName, which is required by the rustls library. Citus Data will be shutting down shortly, so we recommend keeping around an older dbcrossbar for a few more weeks if you need to talk to them.

[0.5.0-alpha.3] - 2021-12-14


  • gs: Allow single-file CSV output. This involves copying out of Google Cloud Storage, concatenating, and copying back. But it's handy when you need it.


  • gs: Copying to a gs://bucket/dir/ URL with --if-exists=overwrite --display-output-locators will print out a list of files in the destination bucket directory when we're done. Before, it just printed out the destination locator, which was technically allowed, but useless.


  • Updated many dependencies, fixing several CVEs (none known to be meaningfully exploitable in typical use cases), and possibly some library bugs.

[0.5.0-alpha.2] - 2021-04-27


  • bigml: Always map columns with a one-of type (aka CREATE ENUM) to BigML categorical columns.

[0.5.0-alpha.1] - 2021-03-04

This release contains a breaking change to the dbcrossbar-schema output format to enable supporting named types and enumeration types. See below.


  • (EXPERIMENTAL) postgres: The postgres-sql and postgres drivers now CREATE TYPE statements (but only in the "public" schema). These can be used as follows:

    CREATE TYPE "format" AS ENUM ('gif', 'jpeg');
    CREATE TABLE "images" (
        "id" uuid NOT NULL,
        "url" text NOT NULL,
        "image_format" "format",
        "metadata" jsonb

    This change also requires some changes to the dbcrossbar-schema format, which are described below.

  • (EXPERIMENTAL) The native dbcrossbar-schema format now supports a set of named_types definitions. This allows named types to be defined once, and to then be referred to elsewhere using { "named": "my_custom_type" }.

  • (EXPERIMENTAL) The native dbcrossbar-schema format also supports string enumeration types using a { "one_of": ["red", "green", "blue"] } syntax.


  • BREAKING: The dbcrossbar-schema output format has changed! It now has top level named_types and tables members, and the old top-level table definition is now available as .tables[0]. See the manual for more details. However, dbcrossbar can still read the old input format with no problems, so this only affects other programs that parse native dbcrossbar schema.


  • The suggested fixes for RUSTSEC-2020-0146, RUSTSEC-2021-0020 and RUSTSEC-2021-0023 have been applied.

0.4.2-beta.11 - 2021-02-03


  • gcloud: Retry OAuth2 failures for service accounts.

0.4.2-beta.10 - 2021-02-02


  • Build fixes for recently-added clippy warnings.

0.4.2-beta.9 - 2021-01-14


  • Update many dependencies, including tokio and our many network-related libraries. Tests pass, but this affects almost everything, in one fashion or another.

0.4.2-beta.8 - 2020-10-16


  • Linux: Fix Linux binary builds by updating to latest rust-musl-builder release, which has the new cargo-deny.

0.4.2-beta.7 - 2020-10-14


  • shopify: Added a "partner" argument which can be used to include a "-- partner:" comment in all generated RedShift SQL for use by RedShift partners.

0.4.2-beta.6 - 2020-09-15


  • shopify: Retry failed downloads a few times. We've been seeing some intermittent failures.

0.4.2-beta.5 - 2020-08-01


  • gcloud: We now print more useful error messages when Google doesn't send JSON-formatted errors.
  • gcloud: We now retry Google Cloud GET requests automatically a few times if it looks like it might help. We'd also love to retry POST requests, but that will require the ability to try to restart streams.

0.4.2-beta.4 - 2020-07-07


  • Update dependencies. The latest bigml release contains tweaks to error retry behavior.

0.4.2-beta.3 - 2020-07-07


  • postgres: Our last diesel code has been removed, and replaced with tokio-postgres (which we use elsewhere).


  • postgres: Fixed #148 to improve support for PostGIS under PostgreSQL 12.


  • The experimental citus-related APIs have been removed from dbcrossbarlib, because they used diesel. This is technically a breaking change for dbcrosslib, but we don't claim to honor semver for dbcrossbarlib 0.x.y releases.

0.4.2-beta.2 - 2020-06-28


  • redshift: Support --if-exists=upsert-on:key1,key2.
  • redshift: Enable --if-exists=error.


  • postgres: Temporary tables now use the same schema (i.e. namespace) as the tables they're linked to. This shouldn't be a breaking change unless you've set up your database permissions to forbid it.


  • postgres: Fixed likely bug upserting into tables with a non-"public" schema.
  • postgres: Verify that upsert columns are NOT NULL to prevent possible incorrect upserts. This may be a breaking change, but it also prevents a possible bug.

0.4.2-beta.1 - 2020-06-23


  • Mac: Move configuration directory from ~/Library/Preferences/dbcrossbar to ~/Library/Application Support/dbcrossbar. If we detect a config directory in the old location, we should print a deprecation warning and use it.
  • Many dependencies have been updated.


  • We should now handle multiple sets of Google Cloud OAuth2 credentials correctly.

0.4.1 - 2020-06-16

A bug fix to gs, and other minor improvements.


  • Replace deprecated tempdir with tempfile.


  • gs: Correctly pass page_token when listing. This prevents an infinite loop in large directories.
  • Fix new Rust 0.44.0 warnings.

0.4.0 - 2020-06-02

This is a summary of all the major changes since the 0.3.3 release. For more details and minor changes, see the individual CHANGELOG entries for the 0.4.0 preleases.


  • dbcrossbar now supports "struct" types, which have a fixed set of named fields. These will be automatically translated to BigQuery STRUCT types or to JSON columns, depending on the destination database.
  • We now support a CLI-editable config file using commands like dbcrossbar config add temporary s3://example/temp/.
  • Parsing-related error messages should now include context.
  • bigquery: Users can now specify billing labels for jobs.
  • dbcrossbar license will display the licences for all dependencies.
  • Unstable features can now be hidden behind the --enable-unstable flag, including two new drivers:
    • UNSTABLE: We now support specifying schemas using a subset of TypeScript.
    • UNSTABLE: We now support reading data from Shopify's REST API. This is a testbed for new struct and JSON-related features.


  • dbcrossbar conv is now dbcrossbar schema conv.
  • Because of the new STRUCT support, some corner cases involving struct types and JSON may have changed subtly.
  • We replaced gcloud auth, gsutil and bq with native Rust. This simplifies installation and configuration substantially, and fixes a number of BigQuery-related issues.
  • AWS credentials must now always be passed via AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN (optional) and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION (required). This lays the groundwork for replacing the aws CLI tool with native Rust code, so that we will someday be able to remove our last CLI dependency.


  • Lots of issues.


  • The data type { "other": string } has been removed from the portable schema format. It was not actually generated by any of our drivers.
  • bigquery: We now export ARRAY<STRUCT<...>> as { "array": { "struct": ... } }, instead of exporting it as as single "json" value.

0.4.0-rc.2 - 2020-06-01


  • postgres: We now transform the portable types { "array": "json" } and { "array": { "struct": fields } } into jsonb[], instead of automatically changing it to plain jsonb in an effort to help our users.

0.4.0-rc.1 - 2020-05-31

This is a release candidate for v0.4.0. If no issues are discovered, this will be published as 0.4.0.

This release contains a last few breaking changes that we want to include before we publicize dbcrossbar more widely. When migrating, particular attention to the conv subcommand and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION below, which have significant breaking changes.


  • Rename dbcrossbar conv to dbcrossbar schema conv.
  • s3: Require AWS_DEFAULT_REGION instead of optionally using AWS_REGION. This is more compatiable with the aws CLI command, and it doesn't rely on undocumented region defaults or aws configuration files.


  • Document our portable schema format.
  • Document schema-only drivers.
  • Improve the documentation in other minor ways.


  • Remove DataType::Other(String), which was not actually used by any of our drivers.

0.4.0-beta.1 - 2020-05-28

We're finally ready to start preparing for an 0.4.0 release! This beta will be deployed to several production systems to help verify that there are no surprising regressions.


  • gs: We now verify CRC32C checksums when uploading.
  • gs: We specify isGenerationMatch on many operations to make sure that nothing has been created or overridden that we didn't expect.

0.4.0-alpha.7 - 2020-05-26

This release adds support for labeling BigQuery jobs.


  • bigquery: Optionally specify billing labels for jobs. See the manual for details.
  • Allow driver argument names to be specified as either x.y or x[y], interchangeably. This makes job_labels look nicer.
  • Hide URL passwords from (most) logs using a dedicated wrapper type.


  • We now have test cases that make sure we catch duplicate driver arguments and raise an error.
  • redshift: Authentication argument names may no longer include - characters. I'm not even sure whether these are valid, but they won't work with the new scheme for parsing driver arguments.
  • DriverArguments::from_cli_args now takes an iterator instead of a slice.

0.4.0-alpha.6 - 2020-05-22

This release improves the example shopify.ts schema, and adds new features to dbcrossbar-ts to parse it.


  • dbcrossbar-ts:
    • Parse /* */ comments.
    • Allow Date to be used as a type. This requires the date to be a string in ISO 8601 format, including a time zone.
    • Allow decimal, int16, int32 and int64 to be defined as any of number, string, number | string or string | number. This allows the schema to more accurately represent what appears on the wire. It allows decimal values to be represented as a mix of floats and strings, which is seen in Shopify.
  • postgres-sql: Use new format for parse errors.


  • shopify: The example shopify.ts schema has been updated to use Date and int64 in many places. Address and CustomerAddress are now distinct types, and several other minor issues have been fixed.

0.4.0-alpha.5 - 2020-05-21


  • BigQuery: Support --if-exists=error.


  • Require --enable-unstable to use dbcrossbar-ts or shopify locators, which are unstable.
  • AWS credentials must now always be passed via AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN (optional) and AWS_REGION (optional). This lays the groundwork for replacing the aws CLI tool with native Rust code, so that we will someday be able to remove our last CLI dependency.

0.4.0-alpha.4 - 2020-05-19


  • BigQuery now imports and exports decimal (aka NUMERIC) values everywhere.
  • The dbcrossbar-ts driver now supports magic type aliases that will convert to the corresponding dbcrossbar types:
    • type decimal = string;
    • type int16 = number | string;
    • type int32 = number | string;
    • type int64 = number | string;


  • The sample shopify.ts schema now uses decimal instead of string when appropriate. It does not attempt to use int64 yet.

0.4.0-alpha.3 - 2020-05-19 0 YANKED

This release was yanked because it was missing several things it should have included.

0.4.0-alpha.2 - 2020-05-19

This is a significant release, with support for "struct" types.


  • The portable schema now supports a DataType::Struct(fields) type that can be used to represent BigQuery STRUCT values (as long as they have unique, named fields) and JSON objects with known keys.
  • The BigQuery driver now supports importing and exporting STRUCT fields using the new DataType::Struct(fields) type.
  • EXPERIMENTAL: Schemas can now be specified using the dbcrossbar-ts driver, which supports subset of TypeScript type declarations. This is useful for specifying complex, nested structs. This can be used as --schema="dbcrossbar-ts:shopify.ts#Order", where Order is the name of the type within the *.ts file to use as the table's type.
  • EXPERIMENTAL: We now support a Shopify input driver that uses the Shopify REST API. See the manual for details.
  • We now have support for fancy parser error messages, which we use with the dbcrossbar-ts parser.
  • We now support a CLI-editable config file using commands like dbcrossbar config add temporary s3://example/temp/.


  • BREAKING: Some corner cases involving struct types and JSON may have changed subtly.
  • We've upgraded to the latest rust-peg parser syntax everywhere.


  • --if-exists=overwrite now overwrites when writing to local files (instead of appending).
  • We automatically create ~/.local/share if it does not exist.
  • More clippy warnings have been fixed, and unsafe code has been forbidden.
  • Various obsolete casting libraries have been removed.

0.4.0-alpha.1 - 2020-04-07


  • Replace gcloud auth, gsutil and bq with native Rust. This changes how we authenticate to Google Cloud. In particular, we now support GCLOUD_CLIENT_SECRET, ~/.config/dbcrossbar/gcloud_client_secret.json, GCLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY or ~/.config/dbcrossbar/gcloud_service_account_key.json, as explained in the manual. We no longer use gcloud auth, and the Google Cloud SDK tools are no longer required. In the current alpha version, uploads and deletions are probably slower than before.


  • gs: Avoid download stalls when backpressure is applied (#103).
  • bigquery: Display error messages more reliably (#110).
  • bigquery: Detect "`" quotes in the CLI form of table names, and report an error.

0.3.3 - 2020-03-30


  • BigML: Honor BIGML_DOMAIN, allowing the user to point the BigML driver to a custom VPC instance of BigML.

0.3.2 - 2020-03-30


  • Correctly quote BigQuery column names again (which regressed in 0.3.0), and added test cases to prevent further regressions.
  • Fix an error that caused bigquery_upsert test to fail.

0.3.1 - 2020-03-29



  • Encapsulate all calls to bq and gsutil
  • Improve performance of --stream-size


  • BigQuery: Honor NOT NULL on import (fixes #45)

0.3.0 - 2020-03-26


  • Use cargo deny to enforce license and duplicate dependency policies
  • Add notes about license and contribution policies


  • Update to tokio 0.2 and the latest stable Rust
  • Replace wkb with postgis for licensing reasons
  • BigML: Fail immediately if no S3 temporary bucket provided (fixes #101)


  • BigQuery: Handle mixed-case column names using BigQuery semantics (fixes #84)
  • PostgreSQL: Fix upserts with mixed-case column names
  • BigQuery: Correctly output NULL values in Boolean columns (#104)


  • BREAKING: BigQuery: Remove code that tried to rename column names to make them valid (fixes #84)